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Return & Cancellation Policy
  • Wrong item
  • Defective or damaged
  • Other (please specify in comments)
To qualify for a refund, you must contact our customer service team to request a return authorization within 30 days ofthe purchase date. You will need to submit the form below with the following information

Once authorized by our customer service team, you will need to ship the product back to ASMAX's warehouse anc provide Customer Service with the shipment's tracking information.

Please note that the returned product(s) must be in good physical condition (not physically broken or damaged). Al accessories initially received with your purchase must be included in the original package and its contents.

Terms and conditions:
Shipping and handling charges and taxes paid (such as state, customs, or VAT) are not refundable
You are responsible forand must prepay all shipping charges.
The product must be returned in its original packaging with all parts and accessories.
Refunds will be issued upon receiving the parcel in the ASMAX's warehouse.
Cancellation will be applied only in the 24 hours the order was created or if the order was not shipped.